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10HL/1000L Beer Brewery Equipment

We are involved in providing different types of commercial industrial breweries to clients worldwide. The output is mainly 10HL, 20HL, 30HL per working day. A commercial brewery is focusing on the regional markets. Their beers are always sold on shelves in bottles or canning. Our brewing solutions will offer you maximum efficiency and output, saving your time and money for clients' requests.

We subject each brewing system to stringent testing procedures before launching them in the market. Below is 1000L system for reference (Steam heating methord).

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1000L brewhouse (7)
1000L brewhouse (3)
Product Description

1000L Brewhouse - Type A - Mash/Lauter Tun, Kettle Tank,  Whirlpool Tank


1000L Brewhouse - Type B - Mash Tun, Lauter Tank, Kettle/Whirlpool Tank


1000L Brewhouse - Type C - Mash/Lauter Tun, Kettle/Whirlpool Tank, HLT


In Mash Tank

The water in mashing tank is constantly heating up, and when the temperature reaches a certain temperature, we can add the malt of crushing to mash tank. Temperature is generally above 50 degrees.

After adding to mash tank, the temperature in tank is constantly rising through heating, and the malt is constantly broken down by enzymes in water. Meanwhile, the agitator is constantly stirring.

The mashing time in the mash tank is about 2 to 2.5 hours.

In Lauter Tank

It is mainly the process of separating wheat grains from wort.

When the malt is fully decomposed in the sacing pot, the decomposed material enters the water and mixes with the water. At this time, the material produced is the mash.

When the malt is broken down by enzymes in mashing tun, it is the mixture of water and malt by crushing malt.

In Kettle+Whirlpool Tank


Before the wort goes from lauter tun to kettle tun, it passes through the balanced tank firstly.

The balanced tank can balance the pressure between lauter tun and kettle tun.

Preheat it before the progress of kettle. When all the wort enter into kettle tank after boiling 5 to 10 minutes. The whole progress of Kettle is about 1 to 1.5 hours in kettle tank.


The wort is pumped from kettle tun to whirlpool tun through Tangential whirlpool inlet located at one third of the pot. The wort rotates along the wall of the tun to precipitate the protein hot coagulants in the wort, in order to get clearer wort.

  • What will you need to consider as a complete brewery system?

For a complete running off brewery system, you will need to consider equipment from the start of malt crashing, to the end of beer matural. Please let us know your initial requirement, we can help you to have everything settle down, and turn your brewing dreams into reality.

  • Malt miller

  • Brewhouse system 

  • Fermentation tanks (quantity will depends on how many liters of beer will you plan to brew per year/month)

  • Brite tank (you will surely need 1-2 brite tanks for every 6 fermenters)

  • Storage tank/Maturing tank (horizontal or vertical tanks are all available from our factory)

  • Temperature control system

  • Glycol water tank

  • Cold water tank

  • Chiller units

  • CIP system

.............carry brewtech 1000L 3-3 brewhouse1

If you want to know more details, please leave your message in the page. We will contact you ASAP.

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Agitator(Mash tank)

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Raker(Lauter tank)

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Balanced Tank (Sight glass)

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  • How to draw up a complete Commercial Brewery System?

For brewery system that will be setup in pub or restaurant, it has more factors need to be taken in to consideration:

1.  Attractive

Brewery system is not only the equipment that provide beers, but also an art corner to attract clients. So, you need to consider the option that looks nice.

2.  Save your time

Once you own your pub, the most treasureable thing would be your time, you need time to brew beers, finalize marketing, visit your clients, and manage the cash flow. Everybody has 24 hours a day, but you were trying to split it into 48 hours.

So, if there is a system can help you optimize the operation process, save your time to do more worthful works, then don't hesitate, that is the suitable one for you.

3. Turnkey solution

Recently, COVID-19 makes the travels difficult, especially when your system need the onsite installation service. But how to install?

Don't worry, if you can find a supplier that can provide turnkey solution, don't miss it. That will be the wonderful option at the moment.

From the owner’s point of view, all of them are important to start with. So sourcing the right supplier will be an significant choice. Carry brewtech provides consultation service from 0 to 1.

Contact CARRY guys right now, we are ready to provide the most suitable solutions for your business. Let’s do it!

Listen -> communication -> system configuration -> layout -> simulated pipeline -> Details -> price quotation -> production -> shipment -> remote/onsite service -> life-time support

Contact us
China Brew 2024 (CBB)
Booth No.: E2-B51
Address: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), China
Date: October 28-31, 2024
Equipment: 200L Fully automatic brewhouse, 200L Entry-level brewhouse, Fermentation tank
BrauBeviale 2024​​​​​​​
Address: Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, Germany
Date: Nov. 26-28, 2024
Equipment: 200L STAR Series 3-vessel brewhouse, 500L Fermenter
DRINK JAPAN 2024​​​​​​​
Address: Makuhari Messe, Tokyo, Japan
Date: Nov. 20-22, 2024
Equipment: 200L LINE Series 3-vessel brewhouse, 200L Fermenter
BrauBeviale 2023
Booth Number: Hall 9-250
Date: Nov. 28-30, 2023
Equipment: 200L STAR Series 3-vessel brewhouse, 500L Fermenter
With the concept of "pioneering and enterprising", CARRY strives to consistently deliver high-quality products and the best service for clients.
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