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  • In the case of choosing a high pressure (4.5 or 8 bars) electrical steam generator, are your pipes designed for these pressures ?

    Yes for sure, our steam pipelines are using 3mm thickness stainless steel hose, which is the high standard type to be used in high pressure industry, please don't worry. 
    What's more, 8 bar is the capacity for the steam generator to generate steam, and you won't get that high pressure steam flow into your brewhouse. For normal brewing application, max to 2bar steam would be sufficient. 
  • Regarding steam boilers, I see many other 4.5 bar or 8 bar generators, what is the difference between these?

    Regarding difference between 4.5bar and 8 bar:
    The pressure rate standards for the max temperature of the steam that generated to your brewhouse. 4.5 bar will generate steam at around 120 ℃, and 8 bar at 180 ℃. So, if we choose a suitable steam generator, the heating efficiency would be the main factor. So, 8 Bar type is prefered.
  • What is Decoction Mashing?

    A decoction mash is a type of mash in which at least one mash rest temperature is reached by removing part of the mash, boiling it in a separate vessel, and then mixing it back in to raise the temp of the mash.

    It is traditional in many continental European beer styles, especially in Germany and the Czech Republic. But most brewries in these regions have switches to the more economical directly heated step infusion mashing.

    Decoction mashing is not very common among home brewers, since it has a reputation as a time and labor-intensive process. But a decoction mash is basically just a step infusion mash where some of the grist is heated and returned instead of infusion water. While it does take some extra time and require some extra stirring, it is a procedure that can be performed by most home brewers.

    History of the Decoction Mash

    Decoction mashing refers to removing a part of the mash, boiling it and returning it to the main mash to raise the temperature to the next rest. This mashing procedure originates from a time when malt quality was not consistent and temperatures could not be measured. The long boiling of the grain makes the starches more accessible for the enzymes. This is particularly important for undermodified malts where the cell walls are not as broken down as well as they are in well modified or overmodified malts. The boiling of a defined portion of the mash and returning it to the main mash to raise the temperature also helped the consistency in mashing temperatures before thermometers were available.

    Chemistry of the Decoction Mash

    Today even most European malts are generally well modified and can be used in infusion step mashes or even single infusion mashes, thus removing the need for decoction mashing. But decoction mashing is still widely used, particularly in smaller southern German breweries and for dark beers like Bocks and Dunkels. Many brewers believe that the boiling of the mash gives the beer a flavor profile that cannot be achieved otherwise. But especially in the home brewing community, there has been a hot debate about the actual benefits of a mash as labor intensive as a decoction mash. Many say that with the malts that are available to the home brewer decoction mashing doesn't make for a difference and if there is a difference it could also be achieved by the use of specialty malts. But in the end every brewer has to determine that for him or herself.

    Decoction Mash Procedure

    The basic procedure for performing a decoction mash is very simple. Water is added to the grist to reach the initial mash temperature. Once the first temperature rest is complete, a portion of the grain and water is scooped out of the mash tun and into the kettle or another heated vessel, where it is brought to a boil. The portion removed, which can often be as much as a third of the grist, is called the decoction.

    The decoction may require stirring during heating to avoid scorching the grain; this adds some extra work during the mash. The decoction step also adds time to the mash process, since a decoction cannot be heated as fast as infusion water and it is usually boiled for 5 – 45 min. After boiling, the decoction is returned to the mash tun to achieve the next temperature rest.

    Sources: [Narziss, 2005] Prof. Dr. agr. Ludwig Narziss, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Back, Technische Universitaet Muenchen (Fakultaet fuer Brauwesen, Weihenstephan), Abriss der Bierbrauerei. WILEY-VCH Verlags GmbH Weinheim Germany, 2005[Fix, 1999] George J. Fix Ph.D, Principles of Brewing Science, Brewers Publications, Boulder CO, 1999


  • How many heating method does brewery have? What are they?

    Generally speaking, heating method include electric elements heating, steam heating and gas fired.

    Electric elements
    This technique is generally only advised for smaller sized brewhouse because of its cost-effective and space limitation. Among 100~200L brewery, electric elements heating method is the most popular method. For bigger brewery, you need to think about more details.

    Kilowatts(KW) needed can vary depending on what type of electricity is being used. Is it single or three-phase, have you considered voltage too? Before you get too far choosing electric for your brewery, you need to check what’s the maximum electrical output the building you’ve chosen, can take.

    Electric element Electric element2

    Steam Heating:
    Steam offers even heat distribution. Starting with steam jackets, the preferred and easiest way to implement steam heating in a brewery.

    Steam heating steam heating2(1)

    Gas Fired Heating 
    Direct fire brewing, as the name implies involves using an open flame under your brewhouse kettle to heat it up. Back in the day this would of most likely been a coal fire. However modern-day breweries who use direct fire, generally employing oil or gas for the burner.
    The burner is usually housed in the combustor placed under the kettle, which distributes the heat across the bottom of the tank(Just like the picture).
    Gas fired

    Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any ideas, or questions on this solution. Trust we can work together to make it better.

  • For steam heating and electric elements heating method, how to choose the suitable heating method for 300L and bigger?

    Frankly speaking, steam heating is better than electric heating.

    Some reasons are below.
    1. Save electric power
    For example of 300L system, max power of steam heating is 35.58KW, max power of electric elements is 59.58KW. (More details contact us directly)
    2. Can achieve stepped temperature mashing
    If your brewhouse is powered by steam heating, the brewhouse is with steam jacket. So when you put your malt into mash tank, mashing temperature can be higher and higher for your brewing craft to achieve stepped temperature mashing.
    3. The heating effect is more uniform
    Steam heating is heated by steam jacket circled of tank. Electric heating is heated by electric elements only.

    If you want to change to steam heating method, total price will higher. Because steam heating need to be equipped with a electric steam boiler.
    This is our suggestions surely, we respect your choice and will manufacture your beer brewing equipment for your requests.
  • Power Consumption of a completely 1000L (Electric Heating) brewing system (for reference only)

  • the power consumption of 100L(Electric heating) brewery system (for reference only) 

  • the power consumption of 500L(Electric steam heating) brewery system (for reference only) 

  • the power consumption of 500L(Electric heating) brewery system (for reference only) 

  • the power consumption of 1000L brewery system (for reference only) 

  • the power consumption of 500L brewery system + Auger (for reference only)

  • the power Consumption of 200L Brewery System + Bottle Filling & capping machine, (for reference only)

Contact us
China Brew 2024 (CBB)
Booth No.: E2-B51
Address: Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), China
Date: October 28-31, 2024
Equipment: 200L Fully automatic brewhouse, 200L Entry-level brewhouse, Fermentation tank
BrauBeviale 2024​​​​​​​
Address: Exhibition Centre Nuremberg, Germany
Date: Nov. 26-28, 2024
Equipment: 200L STAR Series 3-vessel brewhouse, 500L Fermenter
DRINK JAPAN 2024​​​​​​​
Address: Makuhari Messe, Tokyo, Japan
Date: Nov. 20-22, 2024
Equipment: 200L LINE Series 3-vessel brewhouse, 200L Fermenter
BrauBeviale 2023
Booth Number: Hall 9-250
Date: Nov. 28-30, 2023
Equipment: 200L STAR Series 3-vessel brewhouse, 500L Fermenter
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